
ARMENIA: A Journey Through History

ARMENIA: A Journey Through History

For most people of Armenian descent, both young and old, there has always been a pressing need to learn about their cultural heritage, their legacy as an ancient people with a highly advanced culture.

ARMENIA: A Journey Through History, a book by Dr. Arra S. Avakian, answers that need. In it, he presents to you a wealth of information about the Armenian people, their history, their significant events, their important places, and individuals who did much to make the Armenian nation what it is.

The information is given in well over one hundred separate stories, each one complete in and of itself, concise, and easy to read and understand. Illustrations accompanying many of the vignettes lending extra vitality to the telling.

ARMENIA: A Journey Through History

ARMENIA: A Journey Through History

"This book is a must for every Armenian Home...and a great resource for public, high school, college and university libraries. It is also excellent as a supplemental textbook for Armenian schools. Kudos to Dr. Avakian for writing it in a way that presents the story of the Armenians in such an accessible manner." --Steve Adams, Fresno, California (Clovis Unified School Dist.)

Written by Arra S. Avakian, Sc.D.
Poetry by Ara John Movsesian
ISBN 978-0-916919-24-5
L/C # 98-88119
The Electric Press


338 pages


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